Gaia Data Processing Centre in Geneva which is part of European Space Agency
Lapsy srl
Praćenje vozila d.o.o. aka Smartivo
Smart Solutions
Presidente ITPUG
Gaia ( is a cornerstone ESA space mission to craft the most precise three-dimensional map of our Galaxy for decades to come. The talk will describe how the Postgres and its ecosystem enabled large-scale with Variability Studies at Gaia Data processing Centre in Geneva in the context a new wave of cutting-edge astronomical missions producing petabyte-scale results. Ideas behind data model, iterative process, international collaboration while dealing with multibillion-sized sets will be outlined as well as architectural challenges and choices. I will also give insight on our experience with Postgres-XL, scalable Postgres incarnation that we have been supporting from its inception and how the perseverance pays off.
View presentationKrzysztof Nienartowicz Keynote, Gaia Data Processing Centre in Geneva which is part of European Space Agency
Krzysztof is a leader of Gaia Data Processing Centre in Geneva which is part of European Space Agency Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium. His journey with increasingly challenging projects started at the end of his studies where he had a chance to work around biggest econometric time series data at the time in the US, UK and Poland (1996). Attracted by the biggest world scientific-database then, he joined Database group at CERN in Geneva (2001) where he was co-author of the largest data migration, producing the largest scientific relation database that had been running at CERN. After joining Gaia group in Geneva as data architect (2008), he has been responsible for all aspects of the platform to derive useful scientific results from one of the most data-demanding ESA projects.
This talk is an overview on Parallel Queries, introduced in the latest release of PostgreSQL. This feature is still being developed, and new capabilities will be added in the next releases. Nevertheless, the current implementation is already rather useful, and we will show realistic examples running on PostgreSQL 10 (which will probably be already released by the time of PGDay). We will also describe the architecture of Parallel Queries, the new node types introduced, and how parallel aggregates work. This will lead to a discussion on which kinds of queries can benefit more from this feature.
View presentationGianni Ciolli Head of Professional Services, 2ndQuadrant
Gianni Ciolli is Head of Professional Services at 2ndQuadrant, and is a PostgreSQL consultant, trainer, and speaker at various IT conferences worldwide, including the European PostgreSQL conferences and PGDay Italy and UK. He started working with Free and Open Source Software 20 years ago, and has been active in the community (Prato Linux User Group, Italian PostgreSQL Users Group). Previously he worked as a researcher and teacher at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Florence. He is an author of the last two editions of the PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, from Packt Publishing (Birmingham, 2015-16).
SQL è un linguaggio dichiarativo. Basta scrivere quello che desideri ottenere e il RDBMS scoprirà come restituire un risultato corretto nel modo più veloce. Beh, non sempre. A volte avrà bisogno del tuo aiuto. Anche con un database perfettamente indicizzato e con statistiche aggiornate, l'ottimizzatore a volte non riesce a trovare la soluzione più performante. A volte per ottenere le migliori prestazioni, l’SQL deve essere riscritto in modo da renderlo più facilmente ottimizzabile. In questo talk verrà mostrato il problema generale e gli approcci alla sua soluzione attraverso l'illustrazione di un caso reale di utilizzo in un'implementazione ERP. In questo caso è stato ottenuto un miglioramento di 150 volte solo riscrivendo l’SQL in modo differente.
View presentationLuca Veronese Socio e responsabile Cloud API, Lapsy srl
Luca Veronese has been in the RDBMS application and framework development business for over thirty years. Over this time Luca has build several code generation, application development frameworks and heterogeneous data replication solutions for various companies. He is the main developer behind NebulaERP an italian ERP software. He is also founder of a IoT startup and is interested in Machine Learning and AI.
From the official EU site ( everybody can see that “GDPR is the most important change in data privacy regulation in 20 years”. But what is it? Shortly, from a technical perspective, it is a legal document with 100+ pages of unreadable text describing what personal data is, how you should treat it, protect it and how the end user, being the owner of it, can make you delete it on request. We can say that the GDPR consists of the following parts: •Definitions of personal data •Consent and withdrawal •Breach notification •Right to erasure •Controllers, processors and data protection officers Depending on the type of business you have, you may encounter problems in every one of these parts. After extended research, we can only say that there are many unanswered questions about the GDPR, and answers may vary from expert to expert and country to country. In this presentation, we will briefly present the GDPR, list the problems that arise and see what can be done in PostgreSQL to address the specific problem.
View presentationMladen Marinović CTO, Praćenje vozila d.o.o. aka Smartivo
Working as the CTO of Smartivo on fleet management solutions. I have several years of experience running PostgreSQL in production for various clients, private and consultancy projects. I am also a part time PostgreSQL admin, and I do some Python and Go development for fun and/or profit.
PostgreSQL 10 offre diverse nuove funzionalità interessanti: il partizionamento dichiarativo e la replica logica sono sicuramente tra le più attese, ma ci sono anche alcune interessanti novità che riguardano le indicizzazioni dei dati, specialmente in contesti Big Data. Una di queste è il supporto del parallelismo per le letture indicizzate. Ma anche gli indici hash - utili per dati denormalizzati - sono stati potenziati, e nuovi supporti sono stati aggiunti per gli indici non bilanciati (SP-GiST). In questo talk vengono esposti semplici esempi per dimostrare come queste novità possono dare una mano ai data analyst.
View presentationGiuseppe Broccolo Data Engineer, Viralize
Giuseppe started his computer technician career as C/C++ developer in Linux/Unix systems, he applied them to computing & Montecarlo simulations in particle physics for many years in his research activity. During this time, he discovered his interest in machine learning techniques used for particle identification grew, and had first approaches with data analysis. In addition to research, he enhanced his computer skills working on GIS application development for GPS tracking and LiDAR surveying, commencing work with databases, in particular PostgreSQL and its spatial extension, PostGIS. After this experience, he started to work exclusively as data engineer (both data administration and mining) principally based on PostgreSQL. Giuseppe holds a PhD in Physics and won a fellowship at “Scuola Normale Superiore” in Pisa, Tuscany. He worked with CERN in Geneva during his research activities. Currently, he lives in Prato and away from his desktop, he loves to lift weights and race with his superbike.
A journey through the infinite combinations of processes and architectures that PostgreSQL and its open source ecosystem provide within disaster recovery and high availability to help you achieve peace of mind. Starting from zero.
View presentationGabriele Bartolini Head of Global Support at 2ndQuadrant, 2ndQuadrant
A long time open-source programmer and entrepreneur, Gabriele has a degree in Statistics from the University of Florence. Gabriele is the Head of Global Support at 2ndQuadrant and managing director of the Italian office as well as an active member of the international PostgreSQL community and local ITPUG. His commitment is to consistently contribute to the growth of 2ndQuadrant and it’s members through nurturing a lean and devops culture. Gabriele lives in Prato, a small but vibrant city located in the northern part of Tuscany, Italy. His second home is Melbourne, Australia, where he studied at Monash University and worked in the ICT sector. His hobbies include “calcio” (football or soccer, depending on which part of the world you come from) and playing his Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. But his major passion is called: Elisabeth - his sweet 1-year old daughter!
Dalla versione 1.10 di Django è presente il modulo che facilita l’utilizzo del motore di ricerca full text di PostgreSQL. Dal momento che PostgreSQL è utilizzato in molti progetti Django, sfruttare il suo motore di ricerca full text permette di avere questa funzionalità molto facilmente, senza dover configurare prodotti esterni e senza doversi preoccupare di mantenere sincronizzati i dati tra differenti sistemi. Vedremo come abbiamo sfruttato questa funzionalità di ricerca full text in un progetto reale.
View presentationInstallare e configurare un qualsiasi software può essere alle volte un processo lungo e complesso. PostgreSQL è semplice da installare e la configurazione predefinita è già una buona e solida base di partenza. Ma se si dovesse installarlo e configurarlo non su 1 ma su 100 server? Oppure applicare una patch di sicurezza? La metodologia DevOps ci aiuta in questo ed, in particolare, Ansible semplifica ulteriormente l'installazione e la configurazione di PgSQL. Il talk si occuperà di introdurre il movimento DevOps con un focus particolare su Ansible e PostgreSQL mostrando come installare e configurare PostgreSQL usando i moduli Ansible di base ed alcuni ruoli messi a disposizione della comunità. Verranno inoltre presentati alcuni ruoli specifici su PostgreSQL con alcune funzionalità non presenti in Ansible: - pgsql-table: si assicura che una tabella sia presente (o non) in un db - pgsql-row: si assicura che una riga sia presente (o non) in una tabella - pgsql-command: esegue un comando verso il database - pgsql-query: esegue una query (select) verso il database e ne ritorna il risultato.
View presentationDenis Gasparin Owner, Smart Solutions
Computer Engineer since 2001 with extensive experience in PostgreSQL both systemic and programming and web development (PHP and Javascript in particular). The open source world has contributed over the years to developing parts of the PHP / PDO driver for PostgreSQL and started the PgRepUp project for PostgreSQL replication and upgrade using PgLogical.
Various changes and improvements in physical and logical replication in 9.6, 10, with in-depth discussion of logical replication and a live demo of PostgreSQL 10 features for replication monitoring and logical replication in action as well as a look into the future of logical replication in PostgreSQL 11.
Simon Riggs Founder and CTO, 2ndQuadrant
Simon Riggs is the Founder and Chief Technology Officer of 2ndQuadrant. He is also a major developer and committer of the PostgreSQL project. Simon has contributed major features in each of the last 6 versions of PostgreSQL.His work includes recovery and replication performance and monitoring as well as designs for many other features. Simon has worked as a Database Architect for 20 years with high-end solutions experience and certifications on Oracle Teradata and DB2.
How deepstreamHub uses PostgreSQL functions to create streaming resultsets that update as entries match or unmatch a query.
View presentationWolfram Hempel CEO, DeepstreamHub
From AAA-gaming at multiplayer giant Crytek to the plumbing that connects the world’s exchanges and market makers; Wolfram's list of jobs and titles is long enough to get boring, so to name a few: Vice President of trading technology at JP Morgan London, Tech Lead at Caplin systems or FX trading consultant for HSBC. He worked on low latency realtime in the United States, South Africa, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and more. He also once was a soldier and holds degrees in art history and archaeology, but that’s a story for another time.
Avete mai pensato di estendere PostgreSQL con Go? Basta creare una libreria dinamica! In questo talk creeremo una estensione, mostrando le primitive che possiamo sfruttare e come utilizzarle al meglio in Go. Avremo modo di parlare di cgo, di buildmode, vedremo come creare delle librerie dinamiche e creeremo una funzione in Go richiamabile da PostgreSQL.
View presentationScambio di storie, esperienze, domande e risposte riguardo a piccoli/medi/grandi disastri quotidiani (forse) realmente accaduti. Durante l’esposizione il pubblico sarà legittimato a interrompere (nei limiti del sensato) la narrazione dei relatori, al fine di sapere tutto cioè che avrebbero sempre voluto sulla disaster recovery (su PostgreSQL) e non hanno mai osato chiedere.
View presentationLeonardo Cecchi PostgreSQL Consultant, 2ndQuadrant
In few words I can say that I and computer science have grown together. Programming has always been my passion. A passion that began when I was 6, standing next to my father, programmer, who taught me the rudiments of programming in C. At the elementary school I could write on the keyboard but not on paper! I've always been curious and I'm not enough satisfied to learn new technologies and new programming environments. Among them: Python, Java, Go, C, Haskell. Today I am part of the 2ndQuadrant Italia team because it gives me the opportunity to work on PostgreSQL, the DBMS that addresses innovative problems with a 'classic' language.
Patroni e' un demone scritto in Python ed e' utilizzato per realizzare soluzioni distribuite di Postgresql HA ed utilizzando servizi di configurazione distribuiti quali Etcd, Zookeeper o Consul. E' una soluzione per il deploy di istanze Postgresql su diversi datacenter. Si analizzeranno pregi e difetti dello strumento
View presentationQuesto è un talk sull'importanza delle performance dei server che ospiteranno i vostri database. Vi racconterò la mia esperienza nello spremere fino all'ultimo ciclo di clock le configurazioni più disparate (e disperate). Scopriremo come anche le macchine più performanti possano avere pessime prestazioni se mal configurate.
View presentationScambio di storie, esperienze, domande e risposte riguardo a piccoli/medi/grandi disastri quotidiani (forse) realmente accaduti. Durante l’esposizione il pubblico sarà legittimato a interrompere (nei limiti del sensato) la narrazione dei relatori, al fine di sapere tutto cioè che avrebbero sempre voluto sulla disaster recovery (su PostgreSQL) e non hanno mai osato chiedere.
View presentationGiulio Calacoci Developer, 2ndQuadrant
Appassionato fin da piccolo di tecnologia e curioso per natura, si affaccia sul mondo dell'informatica da autodidatta, ma la sua carriera di programmatore subisce una svolta quando finito il liceo si iscrive alla facoltà di informatica presso l'università di Firenze. Entra così in contatto con Linux e con il mondo dell'Open Source. Con il progredire degli studi incrementa la conoscenza della programmazione, cominciando a studiare i primi framework web scritti in Java e scegliendo, quando possibile, PostgreSQL come database. Entra nel mondo del lavoro prima di aver terminato gli studi, inizialmente come web designer/programmatore PHP, e in seguito come sviluppatore Java sia Frontend che Backend. Inizia a lavorare per 2ndQuadrant italia sviluppando in Python applicazioni a supporto di PostgreSQL.
Scambio di storie, esperienze, domande e risposte riguardo a piccoli/medi/grandi disastri quotidiani (forse) realmente accaduti. Durante l’esposizione il pubblico sarà legittimato a interrompere (nei limiti del sensato) la narrazione dei relatori, al fine di sapere tutto cioè che avrebbero sempre voluto sulla disaster recovery (su PostgreSQL) e non hanno mai osato chiedere.
View presentationFrancesco Canovai PostgreSQL Consultant, 2ndQuadrant
Francesco Canovai works in 2ndQuadrant as PostgreSQL database administrator and system administrator, taking care of support, performance tuning, monitoring, infrastructure automation via Puppet and writing integration tests for the PostgreSQL disaster recovery tool Barman.
Recently internet has been flooded by news of hacker attacks and ransomwares. This has been a hot subject in all media, and it's something that can interfere with the lives of millions even if they are not aware of that. Despite this, servers are very rarely secured beyond the default, and often only after an incident. One of the reasons for this is that security is often seen as an obscure subject that requires a lot of sacrifices. In this talk we will take an overview of security on multiple levels: we will have a look at operating system and application security, and a deeper one at PostgreSQL. We will cover the main points required to make postgres harder to attack, and hopefully make your sleep a bit more peaceful.
View presentationAlessandro Grassi SRE presso 2ndQuadrant, 2ndQuadrant
Alessandro is a geek with a strong love for security and automation. He has worked mostly on system administration, where he developed a fanatical love for IaC tools. A few months ago he joined 2ndQuadrant, where he now works as SRE and Support Engineer.
Being one of the most well known single-board computers (SBC), the Raspberry Pi is the perfect target for many interesting projects, which brings the question: how PostgreSQL would work on the Raspberry Pi? In this talk we will learn how to compile and install PostgreSQL for the ARM architecture, compare benchmarks of the lastest two Raspberry Pi versions against more powerful computers, and also discuss why installing a professional and robust database system on a tiny computer meets the main educational purpose of the Raspberry Pi on becoming a tool that facilitates the teaching and learning of Computer Science for the masses. As an example, we will present the pgbramble project (PostgreSQL Educational Bramble), which is composed by a cluster of 4 Raspberrys: 1 PostgreSQL master, 1 PostgreSQL standby (streaming replication), 1 backup server (Barman), and 1 webserver.
View presentationRubens Souza PostgreSQL Consultant, 2ndQuadrant
Truly passionate about computers and the open source movement, Rubens has being involved with GNU/Linux since he could grab a copy of Slackware 4.0 on 'the good old days', and have been learning, working and having fun with databases, system administration, servers, networks, and benchmarks ever since. Rubens works as a PostgreSQL Consultant at 2ndQuadrant, where he performs various tasks related to our beloved database.
In the public administration sector, PostgreSQL is claiming to be an example of true GIS interoperability thanks to the coexistence of Open Source (PostGIS and Python solutions) with commercial ones such as ESRI and Oracle. Without losing any of the wonderful features that PostgreSQL delivers to both administrators and developers. Two real cases denouncing how far PostgreSQL can be adopted without affecting the solidity of a complex and heterogeneous infrastructure such as that of the Italian Public Admnistration
View presentationErik Tiengo , GisUp
Graduated in environmental and land-based engineering (University of Pavia in the beautiful seat of Mantua) for the Italian state and engineer for the rest of Europe thanks to the Master of Science in Environmental Engineering at the University of Aalborg (DK) during the period 1999-2002. Honestly, I prefer to call myself a happy and enthusiastic GIS Developer. GIS knowledge and passion for computer science dates to the Master's Degree in Denmark. Since 2003 I am a freelancer.